I mentioned that I would be giving an update on the status of my weekend on Monday, so I am doing what every good working girl does and following through.. My roommates are so sneaky, but I fell for a well thought out lie...hook, line, sinker.
I arrived home on Friday to see roomie RT walking into our building. I waved enthusiastically and pulled into to park as well. She was already well on her way into the apartment, so I didn't question the fact that she didn't wait for me so that we could walk together. I got into the apartment and found KM, other roomie, who we were supposedly going to dinner to celebrate, milling around "getting ready to go." RT was doing the same. I was told earlier in the day that RT no longer had to baby sit and that the three of us should go to dinner to celebrate KM passing her nursing exam, but that it was a surprise for her as to wear we were going.
In true blue "I know where we're going, and you don't" fashion, I kept badgering KM, asking her where she thought it might be and if she was excited. She was kind enough to follow along. RT came into the living room and announces that she got our reservation pushed back to 7. Sounds good to me! I say. So we continue to chat and catch up on the day. RT has also changed into more casual clothes. Apparently she needed to run by her parents house before she came back to get ready. I thought nothing of this, and assumed she was being truthful. I also ask RT what I should wear to this place, considering I had never been.
"What is BS's (boyfriend) favorite dress on you?" she asked.
Instinctively I exclaim, "WHY? IS HE COMING?!?!"
She plays it incredibly cool and explains that no, he's not, she just thought it might narrow the choices a bit. I knew in my mind not to get my hopes up for the possibility of him coming because I knew he was leaving early in the morning to go on a trip. There was no possible way for him to be able to visit, and it was not going to be possible to see him until 4th of July weekend, if that. (I should mention at this point that I have not seen him in 2 weeks).
So RT leaves to go to her "parents" house. About 15 minutes after she left, some one bangs on the door. I was so startled. I walked over to the door, and upon realizing that I am not nearly tall enough to see out of the peep hole, I wimpily ask "Who's there?"
I knew in a nanosecond who was on the other side. I threw open the door and literally attacked him! He was leaving until Sunday and had kept it a secret! He and my roommates completely kept me off of the trail. I had no clue that he would be coming.
In reality, RT did have to babysit. BS was the one taking me to dinner and we were going to Bottega's which I was SO excited about, and rightfully so I might add. Afterward we went to see Wall.E....it was ADORABLE! One of the cutest funniest movies I've seen. Please go see it, even if you are cynical about animated movies. On Saturday, we bummed around, went to Johnny Rockets, drove around, went to Target and then came back to the apt.
RT, BS and I decided to go to the driving range. SO much fun! and might I add, I am so SORE still today. But the weather was perfect and if you ever get started then you get hooked. The three of us met KM at Cracker Barrel (which has become a tradition for when BS visits). And then we sent BS on his way. He had to be back to a catch a plane early Sunday morning ::sigh::
But the two days were so wonderfully unexpected, and I was thankful for every minute!
The rest of the night, KM and RT and I rented "Diary of a Mad Black Woman." If you have not seen it, then you don't know what you are missing. (For those who have seen it, the part where she and Madea destroy her ex-husband's house may be one of my favorite movie moments ever. Madea's quotes when she encounters the mistress are priceless)
Sunday was perfect as well! I went to church with KM and RT. After which RT and I joined her parents for lunch. And then I went home and CLEANED! I love a clean place and I am quickly becoming a neat freak in very aspect of my life. I didn't used to be, but it's slowly but surely becoming that way. My apartment is SPOTLESS right now. I love it.
Then Mom and Dad came to visit! We hung out, drove around town, looked at potential cars (fingers crossed) and then they took me to one of my favorite restaurants ever...J.Alexander's. Absolutely delicious! So my weekend was fabulous, and now I have leftover steak kabobs for lunch today. Clearly my weekend revolved around people and food, my two passions (sad? maybe.)
So what I need now is car suggestions...anyone?
SHIPTED part 1
7 years ago
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