Katie, The Loyal One:
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view." ~Harper Lee
26 Tidbits:
Celine Dion
Whitney Houston
Any Diva that can belt music as well as Katie can on karaoke
TLC Shows (Little People, Big World and Jon & Kate Plus 8)
Black & White
Ann Taylor
Polo Shirts
Mark Ballas
Dancing with the Stars
Dance Parties
Museums (just kidding)
NATURAL blonde hair
Her laugh: "I love it when she gets all excited and does her super excited laugh!" -Ansley
Anything from China
Eating healthy
Exercise videos with Ans
Loving people whole-heartedly
Riding in the car, windows down, singing
Michael Bolton
Professional Sunscreen Applicator
Medical Things
Medical Things
INSISTS that she doesn't fall asleep watching movies (even though she does)
The fact that she LOVES to be first (therefore the reason why she is first on the blog)
The fact that she LOVES to be first (therefore the reason why she is first on the blog)
Katie, and people who know her well, will understand the obvious reason I attached the Harper Lee quote to her name. But another reason I found it fitting is that Katie has an uncanny ability to see things from other people's point of view. She is not one to make a snap decision. Rather, she is one to see things from different sides, and like any great friend, finds a way to gently remind you when you are being stubborn and refusing to look at the big picture. She is a very compassionate person and she is so incredibly smart, mainly because she makes it a point to know as much as she possibly can about the things that she is passionate about. She is one of the most loyal people you will ever meet. She will take up for you in a heartbeat. Do not ask Katie for an opinion on something unless you want the honest heartfelt truth. I love that I can always count on her to give me an honest opinion about something, because I know without a doubt that she is doing it for my own good.
One of my very favorite stories is from our Sophomore year of college. Katie was walking back to the dorms after class and she saw a "friend of a friend" that she had met a week earlier. Imagine that Katie was standing at one street corner, and the other person was standing across the road at another street corner. Katie proceeded to yell a friendly greeting to the new friend across the street. The girl obviously could hear Katie but for some reason (traffic noise or other) she could not tell that katie was the one that had yelled the greeting. Katie tried once more, trying to still seem casual. Still the girl on the other side could not see her. On the third try, Katie yelled the girl's name and emphatically waved her arms to catch her attention. (I should mention that obviously, several other parties are involved, seeing this take place, because in between classes several people are walking at the street crosswalks.) Finally the girl sees that Katie is the one yelling the greeting. Either because she couldn't see clearly to the other side of the crosswalk, or she had forgotten their brief meeting, the girl yelled back, "Do I know you?" And then proceeded to walk away.
Although Katie's good intentions were in vain, this story is a testament to what a truly fantastic, loving, caring, endlessly friendly person Katie is. She will always speak to you, always smile, and always genuinely ask how you are doing.

1 comment:
Oh Lizzo!! This was such a fabulous suprise! You know you are a precious friend to me and I love you dearly! I have to say that I'm enjoying reading other peoples too...riley's is awesome and i smiled ear to ear when i read bo's.
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