I don't know why I have forgotten to post this so far, but it is definitely a blog-worthy story. It was my first week of work, in fact my first day of work this summer, and my mom was staying with me. We actually were staying in a hotel together, because I couldn't move into my apartment until that weekend.
We decided to go to The Cheesecake Factory to celebrate my first day of work. It was raining a little bit, so I dropped my mom at the door. I parked the car, and as I got out and I was trying to juggle my bag and the umbrella. I really didn't want to get my cute new business casual clothes wet.
Mom and I sat down and talked about every detail of my day (which was pretty cool, but that's another post). We had a fabulous dinner and it lasted for about 2 hours. When we were finished we started to walk outside and were excited to find that it had stopped raining. I started to fish for my keys through my bag, and was having a little bit of trouble. We are coming closer to my car.
"Are your lights on?" my Mom asks. She was not prepared for what had really happened.
"Um, no, it's looking like I left the car running," I replied.
Sure enough, when we got to the car, I key-less-ly opened the door and was set to drive away.
HOW DID I DO THIS!? Are you kidding me? Had I lost my mind? Someone could have stolen my car with zero effort! I had practically asked someone to at this point. The same thought crossed my Mom's mind because she then proceeded to ask me with her stunned expression, "I mean, should you go to counseling or something?"
She said it in all seriousness, and honestly, I don't blame her. I wondered the same thing. I was even more shocked than she was. It didn't make it better that I had lost both of my rings and my bracelet (sorry, Bo) twice the week before. Lucky for me, I got those back. My dignity, however, is still trying to find its way back home.
SHIPTED part 1
7 years ago
1 comment:
flawlessly written! I laughed again even when I had heard the story a couple of times
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