It's Friday!! I'm so excited! I love Fridays! The atmosphere is just so happy on Fridays. Everyone can't wait to spend the weekend doing whatever it is they want to do. For me, this weekend = relaxation.
Tonight we are celebrating that one of my roomies, KM, passed the NCLEX!!!!!!!!! She is a for real nurse and we love her! I can't say where we are going because it is a surprise for her. I am so going to take advantage of her instead of going to the doctor. I have to say that this week has been filled with celebrating, and it all has been centered around this one test. Tuesday, we celebrated because she finished the test by going to Edgars and going to Jackson's. Yum! And now we are celebrating because she for real passed it!
Tomorrow, I plan on trying to get this pasty white skin of mine tan. I am tired of reflecting underneath the flourescent lights in my office. (Side note--the phones here ring just like the ones on The Office...10 points for realism NBC) I have no idea what I will be doing Saturday night...any ideas?
Sunday, maybe I will go to the lake with Mom and Dad, not entirely sure, but I do know that exerting energy will NOT be a part of my day. I might try to ski...I will let you know how that goes on Monday. Last time I tried, I lost both my skis and for some reason thought it a perfect idea to keep hanging onto the rope. Nose full of Lake Martin...ouch.
Sorry, this post is pretty boring. I will step it up next time.
SHIPTED part 1
7 years ago
1 comment:
uh should update this post. For anyone reading, the celebration dinner for me was just entirely a fake out :). Bo actually came to suprise Liz and take her to dinner, but Riley and I had to think of an excuse we pinned it on me.
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