So I decided to give blogging a shot. As I have gotten older, I have found that writing is something I greatly enjoy doing. So instead of constantly scribbling down things in obscure areas, I decided to try cosolidating it all. So here is my first attempt...
Honestly, I am sitting here trying to decide what to write for this very first post, and I keep thinking, "What direction should I go, I wish that I could just get the first one out of the way...then I could really write about fun things...this should be so easy....then why am I just sitting here?...ugh, if i only had a first topic to start with and then I could go on and on...hmmmm." I feel so much pressure in the first post. If people read the first one, and don't like it, CLEARLY they won't read it anymore.
The title actually has a fairly interesting story. I was sitting in Riley's room (my friend and now roommate) in Auburn (moment of silence for times gone by....::sniffle::tear::), and we were talking about changing the world, you know, everyday conversation for us. Before you are too impressed, we were probably taking a break from talking about something like Bobbi Brown lip gloss, or even worse, celeb gossip. But our friend Rosie, who really IS going to change the world, came into the room. She is working for The One campaign in DC this summer. Naturally our conversation suddenly turned upward, and found ourselves in this shining (although brief) intellectual conversation. We started talking about world hunger, which turned to other worthwhile causes, which turned to non-profits in general. I won't go into detail of the plan that has been concocted over several conversations, but in this particular instance we were brainstorming for names for our idea. Someone mentioned that we could call it Chatter. From that we started talking about the different directions you could go with Chatter, not to be confused with Chat, or Chatting, or Chat Rooms. We are talking about Chatter: a constant buzzing back and forth (definition provided by me). This would include in chattering and chit chatter. I hope all that decide to read this blog will engage in chatter. I would love to hear back from people all the time!
SHIPTED part 1
7 years ago
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