My big tiger (we go way back), Lindsay, passed this along to me. Read her is SO much funnier than mine.
1. What was I doing ten years ago? I remember loving 1998. I'm not sure why but I just thought that it was the coolest year ever and I especially loved that summer. I remember there was an Old Navy t-shirt that simply had an American flag on it the year below it. I LOVED that t-shirt and of course I wore it on the 4th of July. I was about to start 7th grade, so I guess that means I was about graduate into make-up. I had also just finished up playing in the band...yes, I was in the band, and I played the flute (not well, but I played it at least). I had tried out for cheerleading in the spring and made the squad. We were starting summer practices and I think we had cheer camp for a week. Wow, I can't believe that I remember that much.
2. Five items on your to-do list:
1. Write sorority recommendations (ugh...can't believe I'm old enough to do that)
2. Take my clothes to the cleaners to be dry-cleaned.
3. Call the apartment people to come install my fan.
4. Go by Urban Outfitters.
5. Call a couple of friends to catch up.
3. Snacks I enjoy: My newest favorite snack is pita chips and feta cheese. Try it some time! I would rather eat cookie dough than actual cookies, except for mint milanos....I love those. other than that, I don't snack all that much I guess. When I eat, I EAT. I don't just snack, sadly for me.
4. What would you do if you were a billionaire? I was asked this question when I was in Pre-school, except they asked if you had a million dollars what would you buy? I said a wallet. Seemed like the most logical choice. I'll stick with that. (except I would totally go on lots of trips, and I would love to just be able to find people who deserve a gift in some way and buy something for them, especially for the people that I love.)
5. Places I have lived: Montgomery, Auburn, Birmingham.
6. Bloggers I am passing this challenge onto: I am going to pass along this challenge to Katie Martin for her new blog.
SHIPTED part 1
7 years ago
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