Ok, so here is a random thought...
Everyone is born with an internal monolgue. It is one of those things that everyone has, no one has to try to have it or obtain it. It's one of the "free gifts with purchase" when you are born, like blinking. Everyone has it, even if sometimes you don't use it as much as you should. Some people should use it more often. I have been accused of that once or twice, but that's a different story.
This story begins with a question. I was sitting in my marketing class about to take my final (it was my last final I'll ever take at Auburn, so when I say final, I mean FINAL), when I asked my bf if he had an internal monologue. He responded with a reluctant yes, and a look that said "where on Earth is she going with this one."
"Does your internal monologue have an accent?" I genuinely mused.
In response to my question, I got a confused, one-eyebrow-raise look, that turned into a smirk, that turned into uncontrollable laughing.
"Excuse me?" he chuckled. "What do you mean?" (he said it in a way that I could tell he wanted the explanation for pure enjoyment purposes)
Let me explain to you what I explained to him...
My marketing final was not the only one that I was blessed to be taking that day. I had a finance final that morning at 8. Why I took these two miserably, boring, awful, would-rather-be-standing-outside-in-the-South-in-August-on-black-pavement-in-a-black jumpsuit classes at the same time is beyond me. Not the smartest thing I have ever done. Moving on...
Let me also say that I had been studying for a very long time and I had not had much sleep. I walk into my finance class, the first torture of the day, and I sit down. I came prepared with two pencils and scratch paper. Everyone is shuffling papers and finally the teacher starts to hand out the final.
"Please clear your desk of everything but your pencil, scratch paper, and one page cheat sheet."
Awesome. Don't have that. Oh, well.
As I was trying to figure out the problems in my head, I noticed that my internal monolgue was talking like a...drunk girl. I mean like an absolutely smashed girl...slurred speech, varying volumes, the whole shebang. Since then I have started to notice and sometimes it will be different accents.
Worried that I might be a little bit crazy, I asked my parents if they knew what I meant. From my Dad, I got the same reaction as the bf, but my Mom agreed with me. Whether she was just being nice to me or she really has an internal monologue with an accent I'll never know.
Does your little voice have an accent?
SHIPTED part 1
7 years ago
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