Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Honorable Mention - Emily

Emily, The Mastermind

"Everything that I decide to do means something, otherwise I don't do them."~ Celine Dion

26 Tidbits:

Obviously Celine
Watched CSPAN as a child (therefore missed out on every Disney movie, yet somehow we are still great friends)
Very texture-oriented person
Wonderful Aunt to little Dave
Can't stand a liar
Loves her friends deeply
Obsession with cars
Only speaks when she has something to say
Broad vocabulary
Would be a hippie, but thinks things through too much
Tunic and hoodie lover
Advice guru
Fearless (except for things with peanut butter or shrimp)
Will buy new hair products based on the bottle
Dancing with the Stars
Hates to pack/unpack
Should have been born in Italy
Hates to wear black
NBA fanatic
Always drives the boat (figuratively and literally)
Future WEGP Advisor
Loves to argue, but only when it's a fun argument
Claims she looks nothing like her family (truth: she looks like her mom)
Never falters on her beliefs


Em is without a doubt a unique person. Other than my Mom, who Em is very much like, I've never met anyone else like her. She is a melting pot of personality, knowledge, and skill. She gives some of the best advice I've ever received. She is truly talented in that. The quote at the top could not be more perfect for her. To say Emily loves Celine Dion is a huge understatement. I was fortunate enough to experience Celine's show in Vegas with Em. She loved every minute!The show was simply amazing, I do have to say. But the quote also fits so perfectly because Em doesn't second guess her decisions. When she decides something, she follows through with it, simple as that. I think this partly is because before she makes a decision, she thinks about it from every angle, dissecting every piece of information she can. She is incredibly intelligent, as proven by her words, that most of us have never heard before, that she interjects into every day conversation. She loves her friends and family and she would do anything for them. She has an ambition to do great things in life, and she no doubt will for sure do it because she is so dynamic. She's a fun-loving person, too, which makes her even cooler. Em and I are great friends. I only hope I complement her as well as she complements me.


Over the years I have accumulated many a memory with Em, but this one is one of my favorites. I mentioned that we went to Vegas together. It was MLK weekend during our Junior year of college. She and I were walking through the Bellagio casino, on our way to see "O", when we noticed someone who looked strangely familiar. He was passing us in a very casual manner. Being the Southern women that we are, we kindly smiled and said hi as he was passing by (because somehow we knew him, and it would be rude not to say hello.) The minute he passed us, it clicked with both of us who he was, Scott Caan from Ocean's 11, 12, and 13! We just casually spoke to a celebrity! And how ironic that we saw him in the Bellagio casino. We felt like we were in a movie. We decided to go and walk the strip that night, but it was unusually cold for Las Vegas, in the teens I believe, so the next night we decided to bundle up in our room robes and stay inside the hotel. We were wandering around on our floor when we ran into Mr. Caan again, only this time he was going into his room, only a few doors down from ours! We ran to the room and got Em's camera and decided to do some scouting. We never saw him re-emerge from the room, but we did catch up with some interesting fellows from Great Britain. I videoed and Em interviewed. The guys were making conversation and talking about our accents. They were getting a bit fresh, and something very strange happened. ONE TRIED TO UNDO HER ROBE! Are you kidding me, Em gave him a glare, I shut off the camera, and in unison, we tromped back to our room. Creep.

This story is just one example of our double trouble nature. Needless to say we had a great time in Vegas, but the truth of this story is that when you are with Em you can always plan on having an adventure of some sort. We have had some amazing times, and I attribute them all to Em's amazing unique self.

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